Vim is highly customisable, and I recommend everyone tailor their config
according to their own preferences. That being said, here are some bits I think
people may want to steal from my .vimrc
. I tried to avoid the more common
options you’d find in similar articles written by others, such as enabling line
numbers, tpope
’s surround plugin, or sane backspacing, and focus on the
lesser-known tricks and settings.
General settings
Highlight the current column
Immediately find exactly where your cursor is, using set cursorcolumn
. This
will highlight the column you’re currently on, similar to how you might also do
set cursorline
to highlight the row (line). I have cursorline
disabled as I
rely on by color scheme’s highlighting of the line number in the gutter
Make whitespace visible
Show invisible characters using set listchars=tab:>-,trail:·
This means that
tabs should be shown as >
followed by a stream of -
characters. The number
of -
characters depends on how many spaces a tab should be as defined by your
setting. Any trailing whitespace shows up as an interpunct (·). To
get this working you’ll need to follow the above config with set list
. Pretty
rock ‘n roll.
Sane line joins
You’re probably aware that J
in normal mode tries to join the next line with
your current line removing the newline. This tends to work in a very awkward
manner with comments. Normally, pressing JJ
on the first line of:
* Creates a User entity using the default parameters.
results in
/** * Creates a User entity using the default parameters. */
However, this inconvenience has been fixed as an optional setting as of version 7.3.541, and can be enabled as follows:
if v:version > 703 || v:version == 703 && has('patch541')
set formatoptions+=j
Now, assuming your version of Vim is relatively recent, the same example will be formatted as:
/** Creates a User entity using the default parameters. */
Much better.
Highlight ugly code:
I don’t like excessively long lines of code (120+ in most languages), and I don’t like trailing whitespace. You can easily mark these using the following two commands:
match ErrorMsg '\%>120v.\+'
match ErrorMsg '\s\+$'
I like my plugins, and these are my favourites, in no particular order.
This plugin is basically enables stuff you probably want, but don’t bother to look for individually: Mouse support, different cursor shapes for insert, normal and replace mode, and paste convenience.
This plugin assumes you have fzf installed locally, as you should. Chances are you’re already using it, but it’s by far the best fuzzy finder around. More on how I use it for quick lookups in the mappings section below.
For what fzf
can’t handle, i.e. text-inside-file search. Assumes you have
The Silver Searcher. Faster
than ack
Super easy navigation to anywhere in the buffer. Similar to the f
option in
the Vimium Google Chrome extension.
This plugin allows you to align a block of text according to a pattern. Suppose for example we have the following annoyingly-formatted JSON objects:
{"name": "River Tam", "skills": ["Cockney accent", "Ability to kill you with her brain"], "Age":19}
{"name": "Jayne Cobb", "skills": ["Extreme confidence", "Naming guns"], "age":33}
You know that there’s an inconsistency somewhere in here, but you can’t spot it
by looking at how the code is formatted right now. Run Tabular /,
to align by
commas and you quickly spot that the key for age is inconsistently formatted.
{"name": "River Tam" , "skills": ["Cockney accent" , "Ability to kill you with her brain"] , "Age":19}
{"name": "Jayne Cobb" , "skills": ["Extreme confidence" , "Naming guns"] , "age":33}
I remember spending a bit more time than I’d like trying to get this up and running, but, really, once you try prettier you won’t write JavaScript/Markdown the same way again. It is such a relief not having to worry about formatting ever again.
There are many plugins designed to make certain programming languages easier to
write in. Nobody has quite managed to get the full immersion as this plugin has
though. Golang comes with the go
command-line tool, which has a lot of
features built-in that in other languages would be third party tools. For
example formatting, organising imports, running tests etc. This plugin handles
all of that, and then some(Going to declarations, adding new movement objects,
going to alternative files). I like Go as a language, but sometimes I want to
write Go just so I can use this plugin.
Normal mode
Search the Git repository for filename with ?
nnoremap ? :GFiles<CR>
This mapping relies on GFiles
from fzf.vim
, and saves a lot of time. Much
more efficient than ctrl+p
or cmd+t
, and since it’s only looking for files
that aren’t .gitignored
you don’t get all the clutter you might get with
or build/
Handle Git hunks with <CTRL>n
and <CTRL>p
and <CTRL>u
nnoremap <c-N> :GitGutterNextHunk<CR>
nnoremap <c-P> :GitGutterPrevHunk<CR>
nnoremap <c-U> :GitGutterUndoHunk<CR>
Relies on the GitGutter plugin.
Moves to the next/previous hunk using <CTRL>n
, and when the cursor
is on a hunk, <CTRL>u
will revert that hunk. Safer than doing it from the
command line as your revert is undoable as it’s in your Git undo tree.
Easy-peasy in-file navigation with Enter and Backspace
Have you noticed that both the enter key and the backspace key are basically
unused in normal mode. They just go down one line or back one character
respectively. Well, we’ve got j
and l
for that, so let’s rebind them to
move a little further (one paragraph):
nnoremap <BS> {
onoremap <BS> {
vnoremap <BS> {
nnoremap <expr> <CR> empty(&buftype) ? '}' : '<CR>'
onoremap <expr> <CR> empty(&buftype) ? '}' : '<CR>'
vnoremap <CR> }
The onoremap
basically ensures that the paragraph word object is also
respected, E.g. when you type d<CR>
you delete from the current position to
the next paragraph. The empty check is to ensure that you can still use the
enter key in Quickfix windows as you would normally.
Move precisely to any position in the visible buffer
nmap F <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)s
References the EasyMotion plugin mentioned above.
Hit F
followed by the value of the character you want to move to. One of two
things will happen. You will either be taken to where you want to go (usually
for rare characters) or you’ll be shown a map of all of these characters
currently visible, with the keys you need to hit to navigate there. This is one
of those tools that’s really easy to understand once you start using it, but
hard to explain in text. Try it out! You won’t be sorry.
Other mappings
Keep selected text selected when fixing indentation
vnoremap < <gv
vnoremap > >gv
Self explanatory, but did you notice that gv
takes you to the last visually
selected text?
Make quotes and square brackets into movements
onoremap q i'
onoremap Q i"
onoremap ia i]
onoremap aa a]
This simplifies actions such as di"
to dQ
, and di]
to dia
This of course reflects only some of my .vimrc
at this point in time. Head
over to my dotfiles repository to browse
my current dotfiles, among them my .vimrc